Many East Asian countries have been experiencing stagnation of population growth and even population declines. Social scientists and demographers generally attribute these population changes to the extremely low fertility rates across this region. Because marriage and relationship formation are especially closely tied to fertility in East Asia, in this talk I will focus on my own and other existing research concerning the trend of young people delaying marriage and/or choosing not to marry. I will explore the reasons why young adults seek out or avoid relationships and marriage, including the roles of economic considerations, marriage-related values and preferences, family structures and living arrangements, and social environments. I will also discuss potential reasons that have not been properly examined and suggest directions for future research.
喻維欣現為美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA) 社會學系的教授兼副主任,並擔任 UCLA 亞太中心臺灣研究指導委員會成員。研究專長包含性別不平等、工作與勞動市場、婚姻與家庭、社會變遷、東亞社會等。研究表現極為傑出,除專書 Gendered Trajectories: Women, Work, and Social Change in Japan and Taiwan 由 Stanford University Press 出版外,其研究論文屢屢刊於社會學、人口學、家庭研究等領域的頂尖期刊,如American Journal of Sociology、American Sociological Review、Demography、Journal of Marriage and Family、Social Forces。